Robert Cunningham - written for the occasion of the Life Celebration of Mary on 28th May 2022

I hope this sounds familiar ..... because we were all school children one upon a time. And we all know, when you've got a school friend, the scariest thing is meeting their Mum and Dad for the first time. I mean, they're Grown Ups. And from another planet. But it's not at all scary if your school friend happens to be Adrian - and his parents Mary and Norman. Need I say more? Mary's unconditional kindness and generosity meant that I felt immediately and overwhelmingly at home. Indeed, I wouldn't have minded having her as my Mum. What a remarkable thing to say, but it does say a lot about her capacity to love newcomers and to care about others - and the world around her. As we know, Mary was passionate about the important things in life. And I don't mean only ensuring that visitors were well fed and watered. She did that brilliantly. Quite how she kept up the warm welcome when scores of young people dressed up as Stat wars characters were lounging around the house and eating and drinking everything in sight remains a mystery to me. That was a great birthday party Adrian! And perhaps the real reason why you have a band of lifelong friends - and many of us here are fortunate to call you our friend - is because the character in you that first marked you out at school as a friend for life was of course forged in a loving family that had your magnificent Mum and Dad at its head. And don't we wish the same for more families in this country today. After all, it makes it a lot less scary for school friends! To Mary - Rest In Peace.